Choi Jae-Young

Welcome to my new universe!


2000 Graduated Master’s Degree of Art of Wimbledon College of Art (Art London Univ.) U.K
Had 26 Solo Exhibitions in Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Gwangju, London, Kobe, Virginia etc. Paticipated a Number of International Art Fairs and Invitational Exhibitions.

[ Main Solo Exhibitions ]

2021 Memories of Travel, Opening Invitational Exhibition, Taegot Art Museum (Hwasun)
2017 Nature-Energy, Invitational Exhibition, Port Hall Gallery (Kobe)
2013 Travel story, XYZ Gallery Invitation Exhibition (Virginia)
2012 Human-Part of nature, Kim Jae-sun Gallery Invitation Exhibition (Busan)
2011 From nature to nature, Insa Art Center (Seoul)
2011 Nature, Joong-Ang 202 Gallery Invitation Exhibition (Daegu)
2009 Human-Nature, Kim Jae-sun Gallery Invitation Exhibition (Seoul)
2007 Relationship, Art Star 100 person Invitation Booth Exhibition, Coex (Seoul)
2006 Relationship, Gwanak Gallery (Seoul)
2002 Story of England, Samsung Plaza Gallery Special Exhibition (Seoul)
2002 England I've seen, Moin Gallery (Seoul)
2000 Embrace, Gong Gallery (Seoul)
1998 Relationship, Gallery Focus Invitation Exhibition (London)
1996 Human, Piano Noble Gallery (London)

[ Special Group Invitation Exhibitions ]

2022 Invitation to the New Year’s Exhibition, G&J Gally (Seoul)
2019 GwanJu-Beijing Exchange Exhibition, Woogi Art Museum (Beijing)
2016 Gwangju Biennale, Special Exhibition, Asia Cultuer center (Gwangju)
2016 Mudeung Tales Exhibition, Today art Museum (Beijing)
2015 Animamix Bienniale, Dae-gu Museum of Art (Daegu)
2014 Unesco Invitation Exhibition, UNESCO (Paris)
2013 'All about Korea' Invitation Exhibition, White Box (Munich)
2013 Korean Modern Art Invitation Exhibition, Michael Schultz Gallery (Berlin)
2011 Light-GwangJu 100years Exhibition, History Museum (Seoul)
2009 ‘Nongseong-dong blues’ Invitation Exhibition, City Art Museum (Gwangju)
2008 30 Members Contemporay Art Exhibition, Imrip Art Museum (Daejeon)
2006 Invitation to the Korean Contemporary Art Exhibition, National Museum of Arts (Taiwan)
2006 Blue wind Exhibition, Shinsegae Gallery (Incheon)
2005 GwanJu Art’s Horizon Exhibition, Noshin Univ. Museum (Shenyang)

[ International Art Fairs ]

2021 Gwang-Ju International Art Fair, Kim Dae-Jung Center (Gwangju)
2019 Korea Galleries Art Fair, Coex (Seoul)
2016 Asia Contemporary Art Show, Conrad Hotel (Hong Kong)
2014 Korea International Art Fair, Coex (Seoul)
2012 Korean Art Show, SoHo (NewYork)
2012 Busan Alternative Market of Art, Haeundae Centum Hotel (Busan)
2011 Cologne art Fair, Staatanhaus (Cologne)
2011 Art International Zurich, Congress House (Zurich)
2009 Young Art Contemporary Hotel Art Fair, Sunworld Dynasty (Taipei)
2008 Tokyo Contemporary Art Fair, Tobi Art Forum/Bijustu Club (Tokyo)
2008 Singapore Asian Art Fair, Suntec (Singapore)
2008 Golden Eye Art Fair, Coex (Seoul,Korea)
2007 Cologne art Fair21, Expo21 (Cologne,Germany)

[ Main Collections ]

- National Art Museum(Art Bank), Seoul Korea
- GwangJu Art Museum, GwangJu Korea
- Ministry of Unification, Gwacheon Korea
- British Embassy in Korea, Seoul Korea
- Seongdong-gu District Office, Seoul Korea
- GwangJu City Hall, Seoul Korea
- Nam-gu District Office, GwangJu Korea
- Dong-gu District Office, GwangJu Korea
- Satorius Korea Biotech, Seongnam Korea

[ Contact ]



Invite you the world of dream & Fantasy.
An imaginary Society of Fun and Joy, which started from playing with toys, is now born another virtual world.
People who lost or long for 'Purity', please meet glamour and characterful children.
And splendid transforming through various fashion heralds a period of creating superstar.
Be a member of our entertainment to adopt each child.
Unique handmade collection by artist, will be precious assets.
The kids deliver Luck and Delight to your life.
Look forward to seeing new more great event.

Explanation of Art works

Children appear as a symbolic existence who solve the desire of modern people.
They satire that pursuit of material civilization in present modern society, ahead of recipient who received benefits and love, emblem of full capacity that transcend time and space.
This is a symbolism of reflects the times, as a character of ideal of high-tech electronic science.
A series of works which subject of kids is a kind of warning message to the urban civilization where everything is sold and calculated, that is civilized city based on uniform and man-made order.
Material Riches, Authority and Moral Sense are quickly being eroded in the social frame name of capital market, there's no saying to the end of human desire.
Nevertheless, 'purity' is a fountain of the children's world without Greed.
They are co-exist with us forever as a friend on the polluted Earth.


- Special limited edition NFTs Will be drawn and provided to the holders regularly.
- Invite an exhibition of NFT Gallery in Metaverse.
- Open a chance to share information about NFT and collaboration with artist in the group chat room.


꿈과 환상의 세계로 여러분을 초대합니다.
장난감 인형놀이에서 비롯된 흥미로움과 즐거움, 그 무한한 상상의 세계가 또 다른 가상의 세계로 탄생했습니다.
‘순수’를 잃어버린 사람들과 ‘순수’를 동경하는 사람들은 개성있고 멋진 아이들을 만나보세요.
그리고 다양한 패션을 통한 화려한 변신은 스타 탄생을 예고합니다.
이 아이들을 소장하여 엔터테인먼트의 일원이 되세요.
작가의 수작업으로 제작된 독특한 컬렉션은 매우 가치있는 자산이 될 것입니다.
이 아이들이 당신의 삶에 기쁨과 행운을 배달합니다.
새로운 이벤트를 함께 준비중이니 기대하세요.


아이들은 현대인들의 욕망을 풀어주는 상징적인 존재로 등장한다.
어린이는 혜택을 받는 사랑의 대상이기에 앞서 현대사회 물질문명이 추구하는 가치를 풍자하며, 시공을 초월하는 자유자재한 능력의 상징체인 것이다. 이는 최첨단의 전자과학이 추구하는 이상에 일치되는 캐릭터로서 시대상을 반영하는 상징성을 지닌다.
아이를 소재로 하는 일련의 작업은 모든 것이 팔리고 계산되는 문명화된 도시, 즉 획일적이고 인공적이며 인위적인 질서를 기반으로 하는 도시문명에 대한 경고적인 메시지라고 할 수 있다.
물질과 권위와 도덕 관념 등은 모두 자본시장이라는 사회적 틀 안에서 침식되어가고 현재 인간의 욕망은 그 끝을 알 수 없다.
그러나 탐욕이 없는 아이들의 나라에서는 ‘순수함’이 원천이다. 오염된 지구에 천진무구한 친구로서 함께 존재하는 그들은 새로운 희망의 메신저이다.


- 홀더들에게 정기적으로 스페셜 한정판 NFT를 추첨하여 제공한다.
- 홀더들을 메타버스의 NFT 갤러리 전시회에 초대한다.
- 단톡방을 통해 NFT 정보공유 및 창작자와 콜라보를 진행할 수 있는 기회를 마련한다.


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